9 Jun 21


I very nearly missed this, this afternoon, as the juvenile Great Tits were being coerced into leaving the comfort and security of the nest box in the back garden.

I was bringing the washing in and I could  hear both adults calling and visiting the box without entering it. A sure sign they wanted the youngsters to leave the nest.

Sadly only one emerged, which really didn't surprise me, as I still reckon the adults, for whatever reason, decided to have another brood, which is why there were only a few eggs. Sadly at least one chick died in the box. There may well have been others!!

Just the one youngster in the nest box and it looks like its ready to leave.

Welcome to the big wide World

Out of the nest box for the very first time and then a quick flight across the garden.

A quick look around and then.........

..........its under the gate and into the main garden.

And here's Dad keeping an eye on youngster.

Not a pleasant sight, but it does happen. A normal clutch of eggs would be from 5 to 12. In this instance it looks like it was at least two maybe a couple of more.

On this day
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.

Today's Sightings Here