The Links below are for the Butterflies and Moths I have recorded on the Isle of Portland and Weymouth since 30 May 17.
(Species of real interest in Pink)
Butterflies and Caterpillars Here.
Butterfly Systematic List Here.
Butterfly Species recorded as of 23 Jul 22 is now:- 33
Micropterigidae 1.001 BF1 - Oecophoridae 31.001 BF658 Click Here.
Depressariidae 32.001 BF666 - Tortricidae 49.382 BF1222 Click Here
Cossidae 50.001 BF162 - Sphingidae 69.018 BF1993 Click Here
Geometridae 70.001 BF1697 - Erebidae 72.088 BF2461 Click Here
Noctuidae 73.001 BF2450 - Nolidae 74.0122 BF2420a Click Here
Moth Queries. (Species unknown or unconfirmed). Click Here
Moth Systematic List Here
Moth Species recorded as of 12 Jul 24 is now:- 216
Moth Caterpillars. Click Here
Rare/Infrequent/Of Interest Moths
First recorded - 7 Oct 19 (Wakeham)

First Recorded - 7 Aug 20 (Portland Bird Observatory where it was on view for the public)