13 Mar 21


It was another day of gale force winds squally showers, so no walk today.

Below are a few of the unusual warblers I have seen on Portland over the past 3 years or so. 

This is a Great Reed Warbler which turned up at the Portland Bird Observatory. During the Spring and Summer months, they are found in Northern Europe, especially in the southern region of Sweden. In the Autumn they migrate south to the tropical regions of western Africa. Very occasionally a few visit our shores, as this one did on 18 Sep 19.

This is a Greenish Warbler I photographed in the gardens of Portland Bird Observatory on 24 Sep 17. Its breeding range is in north-eastern Europe and Asia, and it winters in India.

This is a Pallas's Warbler and breeds in the mountain forests from southern Siberia to northern Mongolia and northeast China..................

............ In recent decades, their numbers have increased in Europe in autumn and on Portland!!

This is a Yellow-browed Warbler, they.......

.........breed in Siberia, occurring in the UK every year as they migrate south-westwards.

This is an Eastern Lesser Whitethroat and a very unusual visitor to Wakeham from Central Asia.

On this day
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.