26 Mar 21

Hamm Beach to Chesil Beach Visitors Centre

Having been to the supermarket next to Hamm Beach and also timed it for when the rain had stopped, Ted and I headed off along the old railway track towards Ferrybridge.

However we didn't quite make the bridge, as in the distance it looked like another band of showers were heading our way. So at the Chesil Beach Centre we did an about turn and headed back to Hamm Beach.

There were some great highlights along the way with my first Wheatear of year at Hamm Beach and at the other end of the walk a Redshank was feeding in the pools next to the Chesil Beach Carpark. In between there were 14 Turnstone on the beach and a single bird perched on one of the boulders close to the Wheatear.

A small flock of 12 Linnets were heading south over the harbour, whilst keeping a beaded eye on what was going on around him, a male Kestrel was sat on a lamp post.

Here are a few images and videos from today:

Hamm Beach and the busy Portland Beach Road.

On the boulders I came across my first Wheatear of the year.

Also on the boulders was this Meadow Pipit and a......


On the beach itself were 14 Turnstone, here are 7 of them. Honest!!

And a couple more further up the beach.

You can see how Turnstones get their name.

The old Easton to Weymouth railway track, with the Portland Beach Road running alongside

On the harbour side these Dark-bellied Brent Geese dropped in briefly, before being spooked by a couple of Wind-Surfers.

And this Redshank dropped into the pools by the Chesil Beach Car Park.

It managed to keep still for a short movie and then became a.......

.............bit jittery, moving back and forth over the pools.

Here it is slightly closer.

Unfortunately a dog scared it off and it headed up and over Chesil Beach.

With the tide out, it was a great opportunity to see what was lurking under the rocks. A Blenny possibly. One to ID later.

And another which had a slightly different colouration.

And one of many Shore Crabs. This one looked like he was about to challenge me.

I have no idea what this is, but there were quite a few along the shoreline.

And here he comes. Ted's certainly not one for missing out on a walk along the beach

And we weren't the only ones making our way towards the mainland. Here is my other half Dawn in her very smart looking Smart Car.

Birds Recorded: 2 Cormorant, 12 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 1 Kestrel, 1 Redshank, 14 Turnstone, Herring Gull, 3 Skylark, 2 Meadow Pipit, 1 Wheatear, Carrion Crow, Starling and 12 Linnet

Fish Recorded: Rockling/Blenny sp.

Crustaceans Recorded: Shore Crabs

Ships Today

This is the British Replenishment Ship "RFA Tidespring", being helped into to Portland Harbour. More on this vessel Here

Note: Don't forget that this Sunday 28th March 2021, a Super Worm Moon will be peaking at 19:48pm GMT. More on the Worm Moon Here

On this day
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.