7 Mar 21


It was another day in the garden, this time putting up a fence to stop Ted from escaping. If there's a gap he will surely find it. Unfortunately with the new housing estate behind us, the road is pretty busy now, so this was a job that was long overdue.

It might have been sunny, but with temperature not rising much above 8C, it came as no surprise that I didn't see a single bee, butterfly or any other insect. And there are still no migrants about.

So instead of a report here are a few images of Ladybirds I have found on Portland

2-Spot Ladybird

5-Spot Ladybird

7-Spot Ladybird

10-Spot Ladybird

14-Spot Ladybird

22-Spot Ladybird

On this day..........
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.