4 Sep 20

Lower Horse Paddock, Broadcroft Quarry Lane, Bumpers Lane, The Cuttings, Rufus Castle, Penn's Copse, Penn's Weare, Church Ope Cove, St Andrew's Church and Penns Wood.

The weather is changeable, that really dont know what to expect until you open the curtains. Today the fog had gone and instead we had a relatively warm sunny day with a bit of cloud cover.

A good day for migrants with 2 Wheatear and 2 Willow Warblers in the Lower Horse paddock, whilst overhead here I had a Tree Pipit, Yellow Wagtail and a Lesser Redpoll. The latter my first this year. Interesting to note that at least 175 Siskins were noted over the Obs this morning. Reported on Twitter Here. And I didn't hear or see a single one.

Elsewhere there were Stonechats in Penns Weare and all along here were Swallows and House Martins heading south along the coastline.

In the opposite direction a single Meadow Pipit was seen and heard heading north.

Today really belonged to the hoverflies, with masses on any Ivy that was in flower. A majority were Common and Tapered Hoverflies, with several Dead Head Hoverflies. Also noted were a few Pied Hoverflies, Hornet Mimic Hoverflies and a Lesser Hornet Hoverfly. A full list is below.

There were also quite a few bee species seen, including my favourite at this time of year the Ivy Bee.

Here are a few images and videos from today:

In the Lower Horse paddock were 2 Wheatears. By the looks of it, this one has found a nice juicy fly

And the second Wheatear, nicely posed for the camera.

Talking about posing, this juvenile House Sparrow let me get within 2 metres of it. Judging by the mauve colouration around its beak, it's either been eating insects that have been on the Blackberries or actually eating the berries.

A Common Carder Bee taking off from one of Bramble flowers.

It was a good day for hoverflies. This is a Marmalade Hoverfly.

From the Lower Horse Paddock, Ted and I made our way down Broadcroft Quarry Lane. No migrants down here (yet), but I did come across this very small bee. One of the Cuckoo Bumblebees I guess.

In the hedgerow a Robin's Pincushion on a Dog Rose. It is a gall caused by the larvae of a tiny gall wasp, Dipoloepis rosaea. More on this Here.

It has been awhile since I have seen a Wall Lizard by the steps leading down to the cove from Rufus Castle

From the steps I cut through Penn's Copse onto the Weare, where there were several Ivy Bees.

And another

Also on the Ivy flowers was this Pied Hoverfly a...........

............Vagrant Hoverfly (I think) and.........

.............several Dead Head Hoverflies. Not forgetting the dozens and dozens of Common Droneflies and Tapered Droneflies.

A slightly busier beach today, well its coming up to the last weekend before the kids go back to school on Monday.

Just above the cove there were more Ivy Bees about.

In the grounds of St Andrew's Church there were a few more Wall Lizards.

This one here, even let me photograph it from about 4 inches away.

Two days on and the same Peacock Butterfly is on the same Buddleia bush in the church grounds.

At the top of Penns Wood I came across another Hoverfly. This is a Dasysyrphus tricinctus with no common name. However on Flickr Here, it is known as the Yellow-girdled Dasysyrphus.

Well Ted is not so shy today.

And was very well behaved, despite another dog barking extremely loudly just a few metres away.

Mammals Recorded: Bunny

Birds Recorded: Buzzard, Herring Gull, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, House Martin, Swallow, Tree Pipit, Meadow Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Dunnock, Robin, Stonechat, Wheatear, Blackbird, Willow Warbler, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Wren, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Raven, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Redpoll, Linnet and Goldfinch

Reptiles Recorded: Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis)

Butterflies Recorded: Large White, Small White, Speckled Wood, Meadow Brown, Red Admiral, Painted Lady and Peacock

Bees Recorded: Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris), Ivy Bee (Colletes hederae), Common Carder (Bombus pascuorum), White-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lucorum) and a Cuckoo Bumblebee sp.

Wasps Recorded: Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)

Hoverflies Recorded: Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus), Long Hoverfly (Sphaerophoria scripta), Dead Head Hoverfly (Myathropa florea), Hornet Mimic Hoverfly (Volucella zonaria), Common Dronefly (Eristalis tenax), Tapered Dronefly (Eristalis pertinax), Lesser Hornet Hoverfly (Volucella inanis), Pied Hoverfly (Scaeva pyrastri) Yellow-girdled Dasysyrphus (Dasysyrphus tricinctus) and a Vagrant Hoverfly (Eupeodes corollae)

Ships Today

This is the Cargo Ship "Maestro" flying the flag of Antigua Barbuda. It is on its way from Soraker (Sweden) to an unknown destination. More on this vessel Here.

This is the Cypriot Cargo Ship "Skarpoe" on its way from St Petersburg (Russia) to Avonmouth. More on this vessel Here.

This is the Singaporean Tanker "Erika Schulte" on its way from Eastham to an unknown destination. More on this vessel Here.

On this day..........
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.