5 Jan 23


Well my year list is slowly but surely ticking along with a Blue Tit being my 16th bird species recorded this year.

The "Courtyard" Robin was back again today and though I didn't hear or see the "Cherry Tree" Robin during daylight hours today, I did hear it in the early hours when I let Ted out.

The Grey Wagtail flew over the cottage again. It did visit the pond last year. Hopefully I will get to see it in the back garden this year.

Birds Recorded:
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
Collared Dove
1 Grey Wagtail
2 Robin
1 Blue Tit
House Sparrow

The "Courtyard" Robin having a break, but it's.........

.....soon off to feed on the mealworms. No live ones here.

That's better.

A few more mealworms, before it flew off.