23 Dec 22

Portland Castle Beach and Portland Marina

It was back to the beach and marina for another walk this afternoon, but cut short when I realised there was rain on the way.

There was no sign of the Great Northern Diver or the Little Grebe, but there were a good dozen or more Red-breasted Mergansers, with two drakes in the marina itself.

On the far end of the breakwater the Cormorant colony was back again, with a few Shags, 2 Grey Herons and a Herring Gull mixed in amongst them.

On the waste outlet pipe was a 1st winter Great Black-backed Gull with a metal BTO ring on the right leg and a plastic ring on the other, with P:89D inscribed on it.

Birds Recorded:
2 Grey Heron
12+ Red-breasted Merganser
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
2 Pied Wagtail
Carrion Crow
1 Chaffinch

Cormorants, a few Shags, two Grey Herons and a Herring Gull on the marina breakwater.

A drake Red-breasted Merganser.

Here's another one, having a quick look to see where its next meal is coming from.

The two drakes in the marina

Two adult winter Black-headed Gulls with another.......

.........in flight. Strange that there were no Mediterranean Gulls about!!

I think this Black-headed Gull has been watching the terns fishing.

An adult Herring Gull

A 1st winter Great Black-backed Gull with two leg rings. The plastic........

........ring is inscribed with P.89D. I suspect that the P. is "Portland" and this individual was the 89th pulli to have been ringed in 2022, signified by the letter D. Well that's my theory, but I will send the ring details off to the Euring Web Colour ring Recovery's group Here and see what they come up with.

Instead of running pass me, Ted decided to walk. Well he is getting old now.