22 Dec 22

Portland Castle Beach and Portland Marina

It was a very late and quick walk along the esplanade between the beach and the marina.

Main highlights, as the sun dipped below Chesil Beach behind me were a Great Northern Diver just off the Mulberry's and a Little Grebe seen catching small fish between the esplanade and one of the marina jetty's.

Birds Recorded:
1 Great Northern Diver
1 Little Grebe
6 Red-breasted Merganser
1 Oystercatcher
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
4 Pied Wagtail
Carrion Crow

A Little Grebe close to Portland Marina and......

........doing very well catching fish (In slow motion)

An Oystercatcher flies in and..............

..............then landed right in front of me.

However, it soon realised I was stood close by and was off again.

The light was really fading, but using flash I managed to photograph this Pied Wagtail.


And of course a few Ted's again

Ships Today:

This is the British Replenishment vessel A139 "RFA Tiderace" tied up alongside one of the jetty's in Portland Harbour. More on this vessel Here.