19 Jun 22

Perryfield Quarry Butterfly Reserve, Wakeham Meadow and Old Quarry Lane

With a change to the weather, it was a case of waiting for the rain to stop, before venturing out. There was a brief interlude, so Ted and I headed off for a quick walk.

Unsurprisingly there was little about, as it was pretty cloudy and windy as well. But I did find a few insects including a Meadow Brown taking cover in a Sycamore Tree and an Emperor Dragonfly on the prowl in the meadow, but with only a few butterflies about, it was going to be tough for it to find a meal.

Birds Recorded:
1 Buzzard
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

Dragonflies and Damselflies Recorded:
1 Emperor Dragonfly

Butterflies Recorded:
2 Ringlet
2 Meadow Brown

A Meadow Brown sheltering in a Sycamore Tree

Moths Recorded
Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)

A Garden Grass-veneer and at the moment a very numerous moth in and around the meadow and butterfly reserve .

Bees Recorded
Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)
Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
Red-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius)
Common Carder (Bombus pascuorum)

Hoverflies Recorded:
Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)
Large Wasp Hoverfly (Chrysotoxum cautum)

Large Wasp Hoverfly (Chrysotoxum cautum)

Bugs and Beetles Recorded
Common Red Soldier Beetles (Rhagonycha fulva)
Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)

Common Red Soldier Beetles 

Swollen-thighed Beetle

Pyramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis)
Hedge Bedstraw (Galium album)
Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber)

One of many Pyramidal Orchids on the reserve

In the foreground are the white flowers of Hedge Bedstraw with Red Valerian behind

General Shots

A view of the Windmill from the Butterfly Reserve


Perryfield Quarry Butterfly Reserve with Ted walking towards down the track

Ships Today:

This is the Cypriot Container Ship "Elbfeeder" on its way from Dublin to Rotterdam. More on this vessel Here.