10 Jun 22

Old Quarry Lane and Wakeham Meadow

It was another sunny and windy day here on Portland and the main highlight in the meadow was the increased number of Meadow Browns with at least 8 noted. Still no sign of any Marbled Whites, which have been seen recently near the Bill.

The warblers were a bit more vocal than of late and though the Lesser Whitethroat wasn't heard, there was a Chiffchaff along Old Quarry Lane.

Birds Recorded:
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
Collared Dove
2 Common Whitethroat
1 Blackcap
1 Chiffchaff
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

A Common Whitethroat returning to its nest.

Butterflies Recorded
1 Dingy Skipper
4 Large White
2 Small White
4 Speckled Wood
8 Meadow Brown
1 Holly Blue
3 Common Blue

Speckled Wood

Meadow Brown

And another Meadow Brown on Knapweed.

A Holly Blue

And a rather worn female Common Blue.

Moths Recorded
#1 - Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)
#2 - moth sp. Possibly a Common Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
#3 - Common Swift (Korscheltellus lupulina) - deceased
#4 - Silver Y (Autographa gamma) - no photo

#1- Garden Grass-veneer (Chrysoteuchia culmella)

#2 - moth sp. perhaps a very worn Common Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)

#3 - Common Swift (Korscheltellus lupulina) deceased

Bees Recorded
Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)
Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
Common Carder (Bombus pascuorum)

Honey Bee

Ichneumon Wasps Recorded
Ichneumon sp

Ichneumon sp

Hoverflies Recorded
Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)
Mimic Bee Hoverfly (Volucella bombylans)

Mimic Bee Hoverfly (Volucella bombylans)

Flies, Craneflies, Gnats and Midges Recorded
Thick-headed Fly (Sicus ferrugineus)
Dagger Fly (Empis tessellata)

A Thick-headed Fly (Sicus ferrugineus) on Knapweed.

Dagger Fly (Empis tessellata)

And another Dagger Fly (Empis tessellata)

Bugs and Beetles Recorded
Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)
Lesser Thick-legged Flower Beetle (Ischnomera cyanea)
Cinnamon Bug (Corizus hyoscyami)

Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis) on a Mallow sp.

Cinnamon Bug (Corizus hyoscyami)


This is one of those "butter wouldn't melt" poses.

Its a jungle out there Ted.