11 May 20


The weather forecast for today was annoyingly spot on, as the temperature plummeted from 19.8°C yesterday to a high of 14.1°C today. Add in the wind-chill factor with that bitter north wind and it was absolutely freezing.

Some good news, at least 1 juvenile Blackbird has survived from the "Bramble" nest next door, with a youngster calling from a couple of gardens down.

One of the Common Whitethroats was singing from the Lower Horse Paddock, though hearing both was pretty difficult in the wind.

Not much in the garden, which was hardly surprising, though 2 Red Admirals was good to see.

There were very few bees about with singles of Common Carder, a male Blue Mason Bee and a Yellow-legged Mining Bee.

Just 3 Hoverfly species today they were 3 Eumerus ornatus, Narcissus Bulb-fly and a Chequered Hoverfly.

A new invertebrate for my Garden Lockdown List was a froghopper, well the nymph in its frothy home, affectionately called "Cuckoo Spit". Our most numerous froghopper in the UK is the Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius), which this is most likely to be. I will have to wait awhile to find out though.

A Common Carder Bee and a regular visitor to the garden.

Narcissus Bulb Fly, Merodon equestris. This species has......

...........many colour forms. See more Here.

The hoverfly, Eumerus ornatus and a....................

..........pair mating

A froghopper nymph, which appears to have left his frothy home. It was so windy I'm not surprised it "fell out". Most likely this is the nymph of the Common Froghopper (Philaenus spumarius). More Here.

Hmm, what's Ted up to. Yes I can see you!!.

My Lockdown Garden List is Here.

On this day..........
Today's Sightings Here.

Today's Sightings Here.