30 Nov 22


It was another grey and murky day, and one where yet again I was patiently waiting for the log man to turn up. This time he did, so hopefully we shall have a nice warm Cottage over the Winter months.

Consequently there was no walk today, other than up and down the back garden and the only highlights were a Collared Dove and 8 Goldfinches around the feeders.

There are now 2 Robins in the garden. I'm not sure how that's going to work, especially if the weather takes a turn for the worse. Robins can be quite territorial, if food is short. Best I keep the feeders topped up.

Birds Recorded:
Herring Gull
1 Wood Pigeon
1 Collared Dove
1 Dunnock
2 Robin
1 Blackbird
Carrion Crow
5 House Sparrow
8 Goldfinch

One of the two Robins in the back garden

There's a bit of hierarchy going on here with the two Goldfinches above. What a fuss especially when there are two other perches below free below them