1 Nov 22

Bumpers Lane, Broadcroft Quarry Lane, Broadcroft Butterfly Reserve and Lower Horse Paddock

Well what a night, as Storm Claudio battered the South of England with wind gusts reaching 84mph at the Bill (per the Met Office) and a reported 91mph gust at Clarke's Boatyard in Castletown. Elsewhere along the coast, The Needles on the Isle of Wight recorded a gust of 115mph. More on Storm Claudio Here and Here.

Today it started off with torrential rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, with around 50 strikes around Portland. There was a bit of a respite around midday, so Ted and I had a quick walk around the block.

As you can see by the birds recorded below, it was pretty hard going and the only Autumn migrants noted were 5 Meadow Pipits in the Lower Horse paddock.

Birds Recorded:
2 Kestrel
8 Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
5 Meadow Pipit
2 Pied Wagtail
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

A male Kestrel keeping very low over the Lower Horse paddock

This area it's flying over is normally teaming with Linnets, which I suspect it was hoping to surprise!!

Two adult Herring Gulls and another..........

........adult joining them.

One of the five Meadow Pipits by the Lower Horse paddock

A 1st winter Pied Wagtail flying past me.

Wasps and Gall Wasps Recorded:
German Wasp (Vespula germanica)

The German Wasp nest was very quiet today, with just the odd one or two flying about.

General Shots:
Here are a few photos of the "debris" which was flying about last night. A polythene sheet from the new housing estate being built nearby. A plastic chair, a kiddies paddling pool and a surf board. I didn't however, find the tarpaulin which was ripped off the roof of the garden shed. All that was left, were the ringlets, where the rope had been tied to keep it down.


Just for a minute there Ted was wondering where I was. No panic I'm here Ted.