12 Sep 22

Bumpers Lane, Broadcroft Pools, Broadcroft Quarry Lane and Lower Horse Paddock

I was my intention to go kayaking this afternoon, but then that would have meant Ted missing out on a daytime walk. I'm not a big fan of night walking, so it was off to the lanes to see what was about.

I'm so glad I did, as I came across my third Ortolan Bunting on Portland since I saw my first two on 4 Sep 18 at Fancy's farm Here.

Also heard was a Bee-eater at around 3:15pm and then later at 5:30pm when I was sat at home, with the front window open.

Other birds of interest were House Martin, Swallow, a Grey Wagtail, 2 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Blackcap and 4 Chiffchaff

Birds Recorded:
1 Buzzard
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
1/2 Bee-eater (heard)
House Martin
1 Pied Wagtail
1 Grey Wagtail
2 Yellow Wagtail
1 Blackcap
4 Chiffchaff
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
1 Ortolan Bunting

A pretty awful photo of a male Blackcap, but.......

...........to the right of it was this Ortolan Bunting.

I heard it first and was really confused by its call, which was a cross between a Great Spotted Woodpecker and House Sparrow. In fact in the top photo there were several House Sparrows, but this call was different!!

Here is a short video of it calling before it flew off.

Courtesy of xeno-canto here is a very good example of how it sounded. It's a bit more defined than the calls it was making in my video.

Butterflies Recorded:
3 Large White
3 Speckled Wood
4 Small Heath
4 Meadow Brown
10+ Red Admiral
2 Painted Lady
2 Common Blue

A Speckled Wood

Small Heath

Meadow Brown

One of the ten plus Red Admirals on the Buddleia along Broadcroft Quarry Lane

Also on the Buddleia were two Painted Lady's

A female Common Blue with her wings closed and........

.......then open

And the same here, a male Common Blue with its wings closed and then......

........open. That is some vivid blue. Which reminds me I didn't see a single Adonis Blue this year

Moths Recorded
100+ Rush Veneer (Nomophila noctuella)

There were even more Rush Veneers around today. Everywhere I walked, especially around Broadcroft Pools, there were a good 4 or 5 rising with my every step.

Bees Recorded:
Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)
Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
Common Carder (Bombus pascuorum)

A Common Carder Bumblebee on a flowering Buddleia

Wasps and Gall Wasps Recorded:
Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)

Hoverflies Recorded:
Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)
Tapered Dronefly (Eristalis pertinax)
Common Dronefly (Eristalis tenax)

Crickets and Grasshoppers Recorded:
Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus)
Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)

Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus)

Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)

Lacewings and Scorpionflies Recorded:
lacewing sp.

Spiders Recorded:
Garden Spider (Araneus diadematus)

Its that time of year for your spiders. This is a Garden Spider with a snack waiting its web.

"Pink Candy" Hebe (Hebe carnosula)

"Pink Candy" Hebe. Apparently very good for bees, butterflies and moths. Sad thing was, there weren't any to be seen!!

General Shots:

Broadcroft Quarry Lane, which I ought to be renamed "Quiet Lane", especially now that it has been blocked off for Quarry Traffic. This lane is a pretty good area for Autumn Migrants, as they head south down the island. Special birds of note I have seen here since Autumn of 2017 have been: Wryneck, Radde's Warbler, Pallas's Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler and Firecrest. Plus the Ortolan Bunting today.

Ted licking his lips after having a treat. Well, if hadn't taken him for a walk this afternoon, I would have missed out big time on the Ortolan Bunting and Bee-eater.