31 Dec 24


I wimped out today on a walk, as it was blowing a gale and it looked like it could rain at anytime. So sadly no highlights to end the year.

But for 2024...................

Firsts for Portland and Weymouth since May 2017
Yellowhammer - 5 Apr - Easton
Western Subalpine Warbler - 15 Apr - Top Fields
Wood Sandpiper - 18 Apr - Lodmoor RSPB Reserve

The Western Subalpine Warbler in the Top Fields

Other notable birds were:
Hoopoe - Penn's Weare - 25 Mar
Cuckoo - Wakeham - 21 Apr
Yellow-browed Warbler - Avalanche Hump - 14 Oct

A Hoopoe in Penn's Weare

UK - 2024
137 species

Portland and Weymouth bird species - 2024
131 species

Portland and Weymouth bird species since 30 May 17
233 species

30 Dec 24


Well I didn't venture as far as I was hoping too, as light drizzle began to fall as I left the cottage. Instead I sat in the back garden under a bit of shelter and watched the "resident" Robin feeding on the bird seed I put out for it.

After it had a few seeds it flew into the neighbours Buckthorn and began singing (sub-song). A few gardens down another Robin was singing quite loudly!

Other birds noted were
6 Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
2 Collared Dove
1 Blackbird
1 Wren
Carrion Crow

The "resident" Robin waiting................

.............for me to put some seeds out.

Here it is again in the neighbours Buckthorn singing very quietly as another individual was singing quite loudly further down the local gardens. NB. You might have to turn the volume up to here "him" singing.


Ted wondering why "our" walks are non-existent. Unfortunately I can't take him as he does pull a bit, which is a bit painful for my ribcage. However other family members take him out for his daily walk, so he's not missing out!

29 Dec 24


Well that was pretty disappointing. The forecast was for brighter spells this afternoon, which alas did not materialise and we ended up with another gloomy day.

It's no wonder so many people suffer from S.A.D. (seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression), which is when there is a biochemical imbalance in the brain as a result of shorter daylight hours and lack of sunlight during the winter. The Winter Blues!

Not everyone suffers from it, but those that do, and I have met a few, are pretty miserable and depressed. Fortunately I'm not one of those, but having said that I really couldn't raise the enthusiasm to venture out.

Guillemots in Chesil Cove

A male Black Redstart in the Hut Fields

A Raven next to Newton's Cove

Ted flying through the air at The Bill

A Kestrel along Wakeham Railway Cuttings

A Stonechat at Church Ope Cove

A Gannet at Church Ope Cove.

28 Dec 24


Yet again it was another miserable murky day, but for the first time in days the forecast is for an improvement tomorrow. Whether that will be sunshine, we shall see!!

Yesterdays Chimney Fire.

Wigeon at Dewflock Farm

An Oystercatcher at Portland Castle Beach.

A Grey Wagtail at Church Ope Cove

A Robin.

A Rock Pipit at Church Ope Cove.

A Firecrest at Church Ope Cove.

27 Dec 24


I will get out and about one of these days. Today was not one of those days, with rain and fog all day long.

No walk today with Storm Gerrit overhead.

A Mediterranean Gull at Portland Castle Beach

A miserable wet day. So no walk today

Ted with his Christmas Bow

A Pea Souper

A Grey Wagtail at Church Ope Cove

A Firecrest at Church Ope Cove

26 Dec 24


A day of rest and keeping warm indoors.

A Gannet being chased by a Herring Gull at The Bill.

A Rock Pipit at Church Ope Cove.

A Firecrest at the top of Pennsylvania Castle wood.

Ted having a buzz on Penns Weare

A Firecrest at the back of Church Ope Cove.

A Short-eared Owl in the Crown Estate Fields.

Church Ope Cove

25 Dec 24


No walk today, but a day spent at home with the family.

Below are a few Christmas Day highlights in years gone by.

Last years Christmas Dinner

Well you couldn't have a Christmas Day without a photo of a Robin.

A Seal at Church Ope Cove.

Ted at The Bill

A Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)

Danny the Bottle-nosed Dolphin in Portland Harbour.

A Chiffchaff calling from across the road from the cottage.

24 Dec 24


Today I spent 30 minutes in the back garden doing a bit of weeding and with lighter winds it was a lot easier to pick up bird songs and calls. I mean I didn't realise there were three Robins in close proximity to each other.

Other birds of note were two Redpolls overhead and a small flock of Long-tailed Tits chatting away in the neighbours garden.

23 Dec 24

Out and About

This morning Dawn and I left Wakeham for what turned out to be my last trip to Southampton General Hospital. The surgeon who operated me was very pleased with my progress and I have been officially discharged.

Now it's all about me trying to put some weight on getting out on more walks. Watch this space.

So below is a list of birds I recorded en route to Southampton and back, including 5 Red-legged Partridges sat in the middle of a field.

Birds Recorded:
3 Cormorant
1 Grey Heron
6 Mute Swan
7 Red-breasted Merganser
4 Buzzard
8 Kestrel
1 Pheasant
5 Red-legged Partridge
80+ Lapwing
Black-headed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
2 Collared Dove
1 Blackbird
1 Long-tailed Tit
Carrion Crow

Below are a few photos I took from the car from the passenger seat I might add!!!!

A juvenile Cormorant

A Common Buzzard and..........

..........another one.

Lapwings and my.........

........effort of a close-up of three of them.

Two Collared Doves.

22 Dec 24


It was one of those days where I felt well enough to go for a walk in the morning, but it was raining. And then by the time the sun came out mid-afternoon, I really wasn't feeling it. All part of getting better I suppose, with good days and a few off days.

A male Stonechat in Broadcroft Quarry Butterfly Reserve.

A Little Grebe in Portland Marina

A Rock Pipit at Portland Castle Beach.

A foggy day on Portland. A still from the now defunct Portland Heights Webcam

And a Rock Pipit at Church Ope Cove.

A Grey Wagtail and Robin on the beach at Church Ope Cove.

A Grey Squirrel in the grounds of Pennsylvania  Castle.

21 Dec 24

Soldiers Ponds

It was a shopping trip today with Dawn, plus a quick walk with Ted around the Soldiers Ponds.

There wasn't too much about, and the best I could find was a Chiffchaff in the reedbeds, plus two Greenfinches.

A Starling in Winter colours.

Ted with a spring in his step

Looking south over the Soldier Pools

And one of the pools which had a lone Coot and Moorhen swimming on it.