15 Nov 23

Chesil Cove

With a sighting of a Grey Phalarope in Chesil Cove this morning, I stopped off here early afternoon in the hope of seeing it. Unsurprisingly it had long gone, and all I came across was a handful of gulls, mainly Black-headed Gulls and a few Herring Gulls & Great Black-backed Gulls.

On the beach, which is still strewn with drift wood, waste plastic, old nets were the two dead Grey Seals from Storm CiarĂ¡n, just under two weeks ago and now being consumed by Great Black-backed Gulls and Carrion Crows. Also on the beach were 5 Pied Wagtails.

Mammals Recorded:
2 Grey Seals (deceased)

Birds Recorded:
12+ Black-headed Gull
8 Herring Gull
5 Great Black-backed Gull
5 Pied Wagtail
1 Carrion Crow

An adult Black-headed Gull feeding in amongst the rafts of seaweed and flotsam. Ever wondered what the difference is between Flotsam and Jetsam. Click here to find out.

From left to right a juvenile Great Black-backed Gull, an adult winter Herring Gull and a 2nd winter Herring Gull and not a 3rd winter as I incorrectly typed earlier. Thank you to Ed Wilson for the correction.

An adult Great Black-backed Gull

A juvenile Pied Wagtail

Fish Recorded
1 Thornback Ray (Deceased)

A dead Thornback Ray washed up onto the beach

General Shots:

A lot of marine debris has been washed up onto.........

............the beach. What a tangle this is.


Ted on the beach. He looks a bit lost!!