18 Dec 21

Portland Castle Beach and Hamm Beach

With another Christmas shopping trip to the local Supermarket by Osprey Quayside, it would have been disappointing if I hadn't taken Ted for a walk around Portland Castle and Hamm Beach.

It was much the same as yesterday with the Great Northern Diver still fishing off Portland Marina's southern breakwater and just about everywhere you looked, there were Red-breasted Mergansers bobbing about in Portland Harbour.

Other highlights were 12 Turnstones and a Little Egret on Hamm Beach, which were feeding well until a very "ignorant" man walked straight through them, even though he could see I was photographing them. There's always one!!

There was a second Little Egret close to Portland Castle Beach.

Birds Recorded:
1 Great Northern Diver
1 Great Crested Grebe
2 Little Egret
30+ Red-breasted Merganser
1 Oystercatcher
12 Turnstone
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Pied Wagtail

Better than yesterday's photograph of the Great Northern Diver which I didn't upload. It is still in the same place by Portland Marinas southern breakwater. It just needs to come in a bit closer!!

A Cormorant comes into land just off Portland Castle Beach. Those tail feathers are looking a bit tatty. 

It's not until you see a Little Egret up alongside Herring Gulls, that you realise just how small they are in comparison. I guess that's why they're called Little Egrets 😏

Anyhow here's a short video of the Little Egret, Herring Gulls and an Oystercatcher which joined them

I must admit I can't recall ever taking a photograph of a Red-breasted Merganser as close as this. I'm amazed by how red that eye is on this drake.

Joining the drake is a female.

And this looks like a family party with an immature following the parents maybe.

An Oystercatcher on Hamm Beach. Not sure how a section of a wall/house has found its way onto the beach!!

The light was really fading, but you can just about make out 8 of the 12 Turnstones on Hamm Beach. Correction I've just had another count and there are nine.

Here they are feeding frantically along the waters edge until they were scared off.

Here they are flying off to another spot to feed.


I'm not sure why Ted is pulling that face.