16 Oct 24


Well that didn't go to plan. Having done some light work indoors I thought I'd have a wander up the garden to see what was about.

I had literally just sat down, when the resident Robin flew up into the Fig tree a few feet away. I placed the box of mealworms on the table and as it flew down to grab one, it began to rain and heavy rain at that. So that was it for the day.

Birds Recorded:
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
1 Robin
1 Blackbird
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

The resident Robin...........

..............enjoying the Mealworms on offer. That is until the rain began to fall. You can just about see Ted in the background.

Caterpillars Recorded:
Large White butterfly

The Large White caterpillars come in all sizes as they munch away on the Nasturtium leaves (Tropaeolum majus)