31 Jan 24

Portland Bird Observatory, Hut Fields, Portland Bill and Obs Quarry

I probably could have picked a better day, weatherwise, to visit the Bill, as the drizzle began to fall as soon as I started walking from the Obs to the Hut Fields. It did eventually ease off, only to return as I was making my way back to the car.

There were more "lowlights" than highlights today, with no Purple Sandpipers seen, and no Black Redstart either. Plus where have all the Razorbills disappeared to. There were plenty of Guillemots but not their cousins.

A single Chiffchaff was noted between the Obs and Quarry

Birds Recorded:
1 Fulmar
1 Gannet
1 Buzzard
2 Kestrel
3 Oystercatcher
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Stock Dove
Wood Pigeon
2 Skylark
4 Rock Pipit
1 Chiffchaff
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
2 Raven
House Sparrow

A Fulmar appeared from behind the Pulpit and then............ 

................and then began skimming the waves.

A Common Buzzard in the Crown Estate Fields

An Oystercatcher "yawning" and then...........

...........wondering why I'm staring at it.

The only boat seen today was the British Fishing Boat NN7 "Saint George" on its way back to Portland Harbour............

.........with a huge gathering of gulls following it and on it. More on this vessel Here.

Here are a few images of the posse of gulls following........

..........."Saint George", consisting of mainly Herring Gulls and a few Great Black-backed Gulls.

And after "Saint George" was gone, these two Great Black-backed Gulls flew up onto the rocks next the Red Crane

Guillemots in Summer Plumage and Winter Plumage (right)


I'm down here Ted.

Here he comes!!