30 May 21

Sweet Hill Farm, Top Fields and Culverwell

Well today was a good day to celebrate 4 years of living on the island by adding a Red-backed Shrike to my UK life list. It had been spotted earlier in the day at Culverwell, and having missed out on the Woodchat Shrike yesterday at Fancy's Farm, I was hoping to see this bird.

Mind you I was that close in missing it, as I'd stopped a couple times to talk to passers-by. I was extremely lucky, for when I arrived at Culverwell, it was pointed out to me and no sooner had I focussed on it with my binoculars, it immediately dropped off the wire fence it was sat on, and was not seen at all for the rest of the day.

Normally when I arrive for a "special bird", it's often the case of "it was here 5 minutes ago". Not this time fortunately. I did carry on looking for it for the next hour or so, but alas it had moved on.

Other birds of interest were dozens of Swallows around the barns and stables at Sweet Hill Farm, at least 6 singing Common Whitethroats and several Skylarks singing at altitude, well most!

Here are a few images from today:

One of at least 6 Common Whitethroat I came across on my walk today.

Well if the sky is full of Skylarks singing, then a post will have to do.

On such a lovely warm day, then why not have a buzz.

Birds Recorded: Buzzard, Kestrel, Herring Gull, Wood Pigeon, Skylark, Swallow, Red-backed Shrike, Dunnock, Blackbird, Common Whitethroat, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Wren, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Raven, House Sparrow, Chaffinch, Linnet and Goldfinch

Butterflies Recorded: 6+ Large White and 3 Wall Brown

Ships today

On the Marine Traffic tracking website there were hundreds of yachts along the south coast. This one is called Tidal Compass, but for some reason isn't showing on the site.

On this day
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.

Today's Sightings Here