20 May 21


Well the forecast was for rain and a gusts up to 50mph, and that is exactly what we got. So no walk today.

Instead of my sightings from today, here are a few images of Roe Deer and Muntjacs. I have seen a few Roe Deer on Portland, but not Muntjacs. The latter were photographed around Swindon at Nightingale Wood, Lotmead Farm and Knighton

Roe Deer

A Roe Deer at Lotmead Farm


I was recording a Willow Warbler singing by the River Kennet at Knighton, when this Muntjac came walking towards me. Other birds singing calling was Cetti's Warbler

On this day
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.