29 Apr 20


A very wet and windy day, but fortunately it dried up in the afternoon so that I could at least sit outside in the fresh air.

No new birds for my garden lockdown list, but a pair of Greenfinches in the neighbours garden was a good sign that at least a few are still around on Portland.

No bees or butterflies, but I did come across a hoverfly and a couple of flies. It was so windy they weren't flying, which at least made it easy to photograph them up close.

The hoverfly was a Pajupuuhari (Chalcosyrphus nemorum) and the flies were a probable Blow Fly (Lucilia caesar) and a Tachnid fly Gastrolepta anthracina, both new for my Portland List of Flies.

It looks like this male Blackbird has been doing a bit of "digging" in the neighbours garden

It isn't often you can get this close to a hoverfly, but this Pajupuuhari (Chalcosyrphus nemorum) wasn't budging for anyone or anything.

This is a Gastrolepta anthracina Fly and a new one for my Garden and Portland List

A Blow Fly possibly Lucilia caesar. Also a new one for both the garden and Portland List

A White-lipped Banded Snail and another...........

........one showing how they vary in colour and pattern

And Benji posing for the camera today.


My Lockdown Garden List is Here.


On this day..........
Today's Sightings Here.

Today's Sightings Here.