7 Mar 25

Ferrybridge Sandflats

What a busy day with a trip to the Doctors followed by my first trip to the Dentist since March 2020. The latter I couldn't hold off any longer, with two fillings and a polish today, with another filling next week and plus a crown. And boy haven't the prices gone up in five years.

So with limited time to go anywhere, I dropped into Ferrybridge to see what was about. Not a lot as you can see!!

Birds Recorded:
1 Little Egret
3 Dark-bellied Brent Geese
12+ Herring Gull

On the far bank under Chesil Beach were these three Dark-bellied Brent Geese

Whilst on the jetty gate these two Herring Gulls seemed to be on security duties.

I'm not sure what this one has seen, but it seemed pretty interested in something below. Whatever it was it lost interest and went back to watching the world go by on the Fleet. Not a lot it seems!!