4 Sep 24

Fancy's Farm

Having made a couple of runs to the local recycling centre this morning, I decided that I would pay Fancy's Farm a visit, as it was literally just around the corner and a pretty good location for birds migrating south.

Having parked up, it was a good ten minutes or so before anything of note appeared as a lone Yellow Wagtail passed overhead.

It was then another 10 minutes before birds started to show up on the boulders and bushes. First bird to appear was a juvenile Wheatear, followed by a second bird.

Next was a Whinchat, then a Common Whitethroat, followed by two more Whinchats.

As I headed back towards the farm fence I came across two Stonechats, another Whinchat and two more Common Whitethroats.

Birds Recorded:
1 Peregrine Falcon
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
1 Yellow Wagtail
2 Stonechat
4 Whinchat
2 Wheatear
4 Common Whitethroat
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
4 Raven
House Sparrow

A female Stonechat with a slightly darker orange breast than "normal".

Below are a few images and videos of the Whinchats I came across just south of Fancy's Farm here.

This is a..........

.............juvenile Wheatear.

These are..........

...........Common Whitethroats

Butterflies Recorded:
1 Red Admiral
3 Speckled Wood



................all Speckled Woods.

Bees Recorded
Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)
bee sp.

Common Carder Bee (Bombus pascuorum)

And my mystery bee today!!

Hoverflies Recorded
1 Marmalade Hoverfly (Episyrphus balteatus)

Ships Today:

This is the Cypriot General Cargo Ship "Hilda B" on its way from Sheerness to Wicklow. More on this vessel here.

This is the Chemical/Oil Products Tanker "Atlantic Mate" flying the flag of Gibraltar. It is on its way from Antwerp to Dublin. More on this vessel here.

This is the Cypriot Container Ship "Samskip Endeavour" on its way from Waterford to Rotterdam. More on this vessel here.