7 Mar 23

Ferrybridge Sandflats and The Fleet

On the way back from Weymouth, I dropped into Ferrybridge to see what was about.

Main highlight was a Whimbrel which appeared from nowhere and flew over my head towards Portland Harbour. I'm pretty sure it was a Whimbrel and not a Curlew with what looks like a shorter bill. I did manage a couple of shots, but I'm still unsure!!

Birds Recorded:
1 Little Egret
5 Red-breasted Merganser
1 Oystercatcher
Ringed Plover
1 Curlew/Whimbrel
Black-headed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Common Gull
Pied Wagtail

A drake Red-breasted Merganser having a nap. Well it was..........

...........until the Great Black-backed Gulls woke it up. (See images below)

This adult Great Black-backed Gull seemed happy enough, bobbing about on the water and....... 

..........this one was pretty content stood on a buoy. However a few seconds later it was off.........

...........and having a right go at the individual minding its own business on the water. I wonder what that was about!!

And this Oystercatcher didn't want to get involved with the Great Black-backed Gulls either and took.......

.................off for pastures new.

Across the Fleet towards the Ferrybridge Sandflats were..............

............ many Mediterranean GullsRinged Plovers and Dunlin scurrying around behind them.

I'm pretty sure this is a Whimbrel...

...The bill looks shorter than that of a Curlew....

......And apart from it not calling, which would have helped I don't think there is enough of that white on its back, to show conclusively if its a Whimbrel or Curlew. Stuck!!!

General Shots

For a brief minute or two the sun came out.