8 Aug 24

Ferrybridge Sandflats

What with the forecast for rain for much of the day, I wasn't hopeful I would have anything for the blog. However after returning from a shopping trip into Weymouth, there was a break in the weather and I managed 40 minutes at Ferrybridge, before the rain began to fall in the bucket loads.

As the Fleet began to recede, after the mornings highwater at 10am, so the sandflats began to appear and the waders began to arrive. There weren't too many at first, but had it not been for the torrential rain that saw me make a dash to the car I'm sure I would have seen a lot more.

Birds Recorded:
3 Oystercatcher
11 Ringed Plover
45 Dunlin
3 Sanderling
11 Black-headed Gull
35 Mediterranean Gull
18 Herring Gull
5 Great Black-backed Gull
3 Pied Wagtail
80+ Starling
2 Linnet

One of the three Oystercatchers on the edge of the sandflats

Not that easy to see but there are four Ringed Plovers in this photo.

Ahh that's better an adult up close and.....

..........a juvenile as well.

Here is a video of two more Ringed Plovers feeding on the sandflat just in front of me.

A Dunlin in flight.

And one of the three Sanderlings scurrying around the sandflat in front of me.

Spot the odd one out. Yep the Black-headed Gull standing in the water with five Mediterranean Gulls keeping their feet relatively dry.

An adult Great Black-backed Gull.

And the last photo is that of a juvenile Pied Wagtail in flight.