21 Aug 24

Old Quarry Lane, Wakeham Meadows, Wakeham Railway Cuttings, Wakeham Railway Cuttings (east) and Bumpers Lane

Yet again it was another very windy day, but at least it was fairly warm, though having said that, it did start to cool down later.

Main highlights were a Blackcap and 3 Chiffchaff along the railway cuttings east and another Chiffchaff along Old Quarry Lane.

And its always nice to add a new species to my Portland List. Today it was a Black-palp Wolf Spider (Pardosa nigriceps)

Birds Recorded:
1 Kestrel
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
Collared Dove
1 Blackcap
4 Chiffchaff
2 Long-tailed Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

A Kestrel hunting over Penn's Weare.

I just managed to catch this Chiffchaff as it was feeding in amongst the Buddleia

And here is..........

...........a Long-tailed Tit.

Reptiles Recorded
2 Common Lizard

A female Common Lizard.

And this is.........

......a male Common Lizard. Both found along the railway cuttings east.

Butterflies Recorded
4 Large White
2 Green-veined White
2 Speckled Wood
10 Meadow Brown
10 Common Blue
5 Chalk Hill Blue

All Common Blues below.

Moths Recorded
Yellow-spot Tortrix (Pseudargyrotoza conwagana)

Bees Recorded:
Honey Bee (Apis mellifera)
Red-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius)
Buff-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus terrestris)
Common Carder bee (Bombus pascuorum)
Common Furrow-bee (Lasioglossum calceatum)

These are......

.........Common Carder bees (Bombus pascuorum)

Another shot of the one above on a Buddleia.

A Common Furrow-bee (Lasioglossum calceatum) on Common Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris).

Wasps, Ichneumon Wasps, Parasitic Wasps and Gall Wasps Recorded
Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris)

Sawflies Recorded:
Turnip Sawfly (Athalia rosae)

A Turnip Sawfly (Athalia rosae)

Hoverflies Recorded
Common Dronefly (Eristalis tenax)

Bugs and Beetles Recorded:
Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)
Cinnamon Bug (Corizus hyoscyami)

This is a female Swollen-thighed Beetle (Oedemera nobilis)

Cinnamon Bug (Corizus hyoscyami)

Crickets and Grasshoppers Recorded
Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus)

A Meadow Grasshopper (Chorthippus parallelus)

Spiders Recorded
Black-palp Wolf Spider (Pardosa nigriceps)

This is a Black-palp Wolf Spider (Pardosa nigriceps) which I came across in Wakeham Meadow and a new arachnid for my P&W list.

Common Centaury (Centaurium erythraea)


.............is Common Centaury (Centaurium erythraea)

General Shots

This is Wakeham Railway Cuttings (West)


Ted trying to blend in with the chalk covered track

Ships Today

This is the Finnish Ro-Ro Cargo Ship "Finnwave" on its way from Zeebrugge to Rosslare. More on this vessel here.