31 Jan 25

Reap Lane Barn and West Cliff.

A change of scenery today, which I hoped would produce a Fulmar and possibly a Peregrine. Well I managed 4 Fulmars, but failed on Peregrine.

Other birds of interest were a female Stonechat and a female Black Redstart, both in the horse paddock just south of Reap Lane Barns

Birds Recorded:
4 Fulmar
1 Cormorant
1 Kestrel
Herring Gull
2 Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
1 Pied Wagtail
1 Robin
1 Stonechat
1 Black Redstart
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
2 Raven
House Sparrow

A very distant shot of two Fulmars off Portland's West cliffs.

Also along the cliffs was this adult Great Black-backed Gull

A female Stonechat which I managed to photograph.............

...............in the horse paddock south of the Barns. Unfortunately it flew off almost immediately when I tried videoing it. Hence the slow-motion clip.

Also in the paddock was this female Black Redstart.

This Raven has found something to eat on top of the cliffs

And once consumed was off on another foray.

30 Jan 25


It was another busy day at home, and despite it being a lot lighter in the evenings, I was just a bit too late to see what was about in the garden. There was no sign of the resident Robin, and the only birds of note were 20+ Goldfinches heading west to their roost.

Well it doesn't look that brilliant............

...............but I'm hoping this Spring, this green patch will be full of colour!!

What have you found Ted.

29 Jan 25

Old Quarry Lane, Wakeham Meadows, Perryfield Quarry Butterfly Reserve. Pennsylvania Castle Wood, St Andrews Church, Church Ope Cove, Rufus Castle and Bumpers Lane.

I just managed to get a walk in this morning before the rain arrived. And boy did it rain!

The walk was good, but sadly there wasn't much around. In fact the beach was the quietest I think I've ever seen it, with just a couple of Herring Gulls sat on the rocks. Where have all the Rock Pipits, wagtails and Black Redstarts gone.

Birds Recorded:
1 Shag
1 Kestrel
5 Herring Gull
2 Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
2 Raven
House Sparrow

This adult Herring Gull............

.........was stood on the rocks at the cove when a big wave hit it.

And it was off.

An adult Great Black-backed Gull

A Robin singing its heart out by the huts at the back of the cove.

Initially I thought there were two Carrion Crows mobbing a raptor.

However it turned out the raptor was indeed another Carrion Crow with a beakful of something which other two wanted a piece of.

Plants recorded:
Russian Comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum)

In Pennsylvania Castle Woods the Russian Comfrey (Symphytum x uplandicum) is just coming through.


I coming Ted, it just takes a bit longer to walk up these steps

28 Jan 25

Chesil Cove

As I was on my way to Weymouth, I stopped off at Chiswell, to see if there was anything of interest in Chesil Cove.

It was pretty rough even for low water and many of the gulls about were further out to sea.

Birds Recorded:
2 Black-headed Gull
6 Herring Gull
2 Lesser Black-backed Gull
1 Great Black-backed Gull
1 Common Gull
1 Pied Wagtail

General shots and videos:

Looking along................................

........................ Chesil Beach

And the view looking south down Portland's west coastline.

27 Jan 25

Portland Bill

It was too good an opportunity to miss, and that was a trip to The Bill to watch the waves crashing into the headland, as Storm Herminia made its presence felt.

This was also the first time I was unable to get close to the Obelisk or the Pulpit, as the spray from the waves was pretty intense.

Unsurprisingly there weren't that many birds about and as you can see from the list below I only managed 10 species, which also included 12+ Shags which were desperately trying to get around the Bill and west into Lyme Bay.

Birds Recorded:
2 Gannet
2 Cormorant
12+ Shag
1 Kestrel
Herring Gull
8 Rock Pipit
Carrion Crow
2 Raven
60+ Starling

A Gannet braves the stormy seas.

A Rock Pipit takes shelter by the Lighthouse garden wall.

General Shots:

The Lighthouse with stormy seas behind.

The obelisk getting a pounding from the waves

Below are a few images and videos of the the Red Crane getting a battering from the waves.


Ted having a good run at The Bill

26 Jan 25


Having just seen Storm Éowyn leave our shores, we now have Storm Herminia, with driving rain and wind gusts up to 60 mph. The rain did eventually stop, and there was a bit of brightness, but too late for a walk. So as per normal...........

A lone Purple Sandpiper at The Bill.

A Robin in the back garden

Two Turnstones and a Purple Sandpiper at The Bill.

A new spot for the nestbox.

The Races just off Portland Bill.

Black-tailed Godwits and Teal at RSPB Lodmoor Reserve.

A Short-eared Owl in the Crown Estate Fields.

25 Jan 25


Not only was today my birthday, but we decided it would also be our Christmas Day, as I was unable to eat anything that didn't taste bitter or salty last Christmas.

Today was also my RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, which was a bit of a disappointment, as I only recorded two species, the "resident" Robin and two male Great Tits. Sadly the other 13 species didn't count towards the the birdwatch as they weren't seen in the garden. Especially the Chiffchaff which has been a daily visitor, but decided to remain a few gardens down today.

Birds Recorded:
Herring Gull
2 Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
Collared Dove
2 Robin
1 Blackbird
1 Chiffchaff
2 Great Tit
1 Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
1 Chaffinch
6 Goldfinch

The "resident" pair of Herring Gulls on my neighbours roof.

The "resident" Robin............

..............enjoying the seeds I put out for "him".

A bit later "he" was singing from the Buckthorn.

24 Jan 25

Portland Castle Beach, Esplanade and Portland Marina

Main highlights here this afternoon were a seal, close to the marina breakwater and 17 Red-breasted Mergansers just north of the Mulberry's. And that was it!!

Mammals Recorded:
Seal sp.

A seal just off the Portland marina breakwater. Common or Grey I have no idea.

Birds Recorded:
17 Red-breasted Merganser
2 Oystercatcher
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
2 Pied Wagtail
Carrion Crow

Six Red-breasted Mergansers and a Cormorant bottom left.

Top a Herring Gull, then two Oystercatchers and bottom left a Black-headed Gull on the Portland Marina Breakwater.

General Shots:

Windy Portland.

23 Jan 25

Portland Bird Observatory, Obs Quarry, Hut Fields, Portland Bill, The Slopes and Crown Estate Fields

It was a return trip to the Obs this afternoon, in much wilder conditions than yesterdays weather. The wind had really picked up and the waves were crashing into the rocks with considerable force. Storm Éowyn is on her way.

Highlights today were:
Purple Sandpiper: 1 to the east of the lighthouse
Razorbill/Guillemot: dozens and dozens coming off the QinetiQ cliffs
Meadow Pipit: 1 on the Slopes
Rock Pipits: 8 on Portland Common with one with a plastic ring AAN
Chiffchaff: 1 in the Obs front garden

Birds Recorded:
3 Kestrel
1 Purple Sandpiper
Herring Gull
60+ Razorbill/Guillemot
Stock Dove
Wood Pigeon
1 Meadow Pipit
8 Rock Pipit
1 Blackbird
1 Chiffchaff
Great Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

Just the one Purple Sandpiper seen today. This one.........

...............was in the same location as the lone bird yesterday, just east of the lighthouse. The other bird in the video is a Rock Pipit.

A few of the Razorbill/Guillemots coming off the QinetiQ cliffs.

One of 8 Rock Pipits seen today. This one is ringed as AAN

A Carrion Crow on one of the huts.

General Shots:

The Obs lighthouse, with the quarry in the foreground and the Crown Estate Fields to the left.

A few waves crashing against the rocks.

A lot more along the west facing cliffs.

A watery looking sun


Ted would not pose for the camera. Instead his eyes were fixed on a Carrion Crow at the end of the path.

22 Jan 25

Portland Bird Observatory, Obs Quarry, Hut Fields, Portland Bill and Crown Estate Fields

After a trip to the tip, it was a trip to the Bird Observatory and a walk around the quarry, huts and lighthouse before stopping off at the Crown Estate Fields.

Main highlights were:
Purple Sandpipers : 1 east of the Lighthouse and 4 by the obelisk
Rock Pipits: 12 recorded with 8 on Portland Common.
Redwing: 1 just north of the Crown Estate Fields
Great Spotted Woodpecker: 1 flew north over the back garden when I got back home.

Mammals Recorded:
6 Brown Rat

Birds Recorded:
1 Buzzard
3 Kestrel
5 Purple Sandpiper
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
Collared Dove
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
12 Rock Pipit
1 Pied Wagtail
1 Redwing
1 Song Thrush
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

A Common Buzzard in the Crown Estate Fields

A single Purple Sandpiper just east of the Lighthouse and..........

.............four more...........

....................by the Obelisk.

There were at least 12 Rock Pipits around The Bill. This one has a leg ring ACC. I will check its origin.

Red-hot Poker (Kniphofia)

This is a Red-hot Poker (Kniphofia) in the Obs Quarry and is supposed............

............to flower between March and November. More on this plant here


Ted waiting for me as per usual. Nothing has changed much since our last walk together, which was back in October last year.