Well that was a better start to the day, with the resident Robin singing away in the back garden, several House Sparrows chattering away on top of the privet hedge and two fly-by Goldfinches.
Late afternoon my bird count for the year increased further with a Wood Pigeon on my neighbours roof, a Great Spotted Woodpecker which across Bumpers lane estate towards the Lower Horse paddocks, a Chiffchaff calling away just a couple of metres away in my neighbours garden, 3 Long-tailed Tits moving through the garden and a Carrion Crow.
Birds Recorded:
8+ Herring Gull
1 Wood Pigeon
1 Great Spotted Woodpecker
1 Robin
1 Chiffchaff
3 Long-tailed Tit
1 Magpie
1 Carrion Crow
7+ House Sparrow
23 Goldfinch