Well I did get out, though only as far as the back garden; where I spent most of the afternoon cutting up scrap wood for kindling with my new toy a handheld chainsaw. The time saved using it, as opposed to using a handsaw, was well worth the money I spent on it, plus it also took the strain away from my body, which I can well do without at the moment. And of course who should be there with me, but Ted and also the "resident" Robin.
Another bird which joined the party was a Chiffchaff, which just like the Robin was quite happy to flit about just feet away from where I was working. Is it possible that this individual, which I saw a few days ago, is in fact the overwintering bird I noted at beginning of October last year!!
Other highlights were 2 Greenfinches which headed east over the garden. Another new species for my 2025 bird list.
Birds Recorded:
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
2 Robin
1 Chiffchaff
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
2 Greenfinch
..............flying down onto the table for a snack.
This Chiffchaff was not only very mobile.........
.............but a quite vocal at times as it flitted in and around the garden.
And of course Ted on his favourite seat.