18 Aug 20

Penns Wood, St Andrew's Church Grounds, Church Ope Cove, Penn's Weare, Penn's Copse, Rufus Castle, The Cuttings Quarry and Mermaid Track

Another drizzly start to the day, which eventually cleared up, leaving another warm sultry day. A change of scenery today, though to be honest there wasn't too much about, with the only highlight being a Fulmar flying around in circles over the Mermaid Track. Not their usual passage of flight.

Over the cove were a few House Martins and Swallows making their way down the coastline, and I came across two small parties of Long-tailed Tits.

Very few butterflies seen, and those I came across were looking quite tardy, especially the "blue" butterflies.

Here are a few images and videos from today:

I tried to catch this Long-tailed Tit in flight, but ..........

.........captured a Wasp instead.

A male Common Blue

A very worn looking female Common Blue

And a male Chalk Hill Blue in an even worse state.

A Straw-barred Pearl (Pyrausta despicata)

These Straw-barred Pearls keep popping up. This one was on Penn's Weare

I think this is a Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)

And quite possibly another Common Field Grasshopper. This species does vary in colour.

Just before I started videoing it, it was "chirping". Not so, when the camera started to roll though.

Common Toadflax, Linaria vulgaris (also known as Yellow Toadflax and Butter-and-eggs)

Rufus Castle from Penn's Weare.

Ted does like to pose.

And he's not afraid of heights.

That is quite a drop, but he did turn around and come back.

Birds Recorded: Fulmar, Oystercatcher, Herring Gull, Wood Pigeon, House Martin, Swallow, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird, Long-tailed Tit, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Wren, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, House Sparrow, Chaffinch and Goldfinch

Reptiles Recorded: Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis)

Butterflies Recorded: Large White, Small White, Meadow Brown, Gatekeeper, Red Admiral, Holly Blue, Common Blue and Chalk Hill Blue

Moths Recorded: Straw-barred Pearl (Pyrausta despicata)

Bees Recorded: Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), Common Carder (Bombus pascuorum), Red-tailed Bumblebee (Bombus lapidarius) and White-tailed bumblebee (Bombus lucorum)

Hoverflies Recorded: Dead Head Hoverfly (Myathropa florea) and Common Dronefly (Eristalis tenax)

Crickets and Grasshoppers Recorded: Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus)

Ships Today

This is the Passenger Ship "Azura" flying the flag of Bermuda. It is on its way from Weymouth Bay to Torbay. More on this vessel Here.

On this day..........
Today's Sightings Here

Today's Sightings Here.

Today' Sightings Here.