20 Jun 17


This Evening
I have a really lovely neighbour and we chatted away for a good hour or so this evening over the fence. So not much wildlife observed which was absolutely fine, however what did catch my eye while we were talking at around 9:00pm, were two groups/flocks of Red Admirals flying about at speed. I can only surmise that these are males chasing females. The first group had 4 and the other 3. Certainly not something I've ever observed before. Only on Portland!

One of the 7 Red Admirals has a break

This Morning
Another scorching day, which didn't seem to put the butterflies off, with Meadow Brown, Speckled Wood, Red Admiral and a Large White all seen.

However before I ventured out into the back garden a Buff Ermine and Heart & Dart were both found in the Conservatory.

Buff Ermine

Heart & Dart