28 Feb 25

Old Quarry Lane, Wakeham Meadows, Wakeham Railway Cuttings, Penns Wood and St Andrew's Church

Nothing really exiting today, in fact there was very little about, despite it being sunny all day.

Mammals Recorded:
2 Grey Squirrel

Birds Recorded:
1 Cormorant
Herring Gull
Wood Pigeon
Collared Dove
2 Long-tailed Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

One of many Robins seen along my walk. This one along with three more were in Penns Wood.

Just as I was zooming in on this...................

..................Long-tailed Tit, it decided to look the other way.

Taking centre stage in the middle of Penns Wood is this..........

..................Magpies nest high up in the canopy.

Penns Wood has a good number of Chaffinches here in the winter. This is a female which appear to outnumber the males by 2:1.

Escapees, Ferals, Possibles Etc
Feral pigeon


Go Ted go.

Ships Today

This is the Greek LNG Tanker "Asklipios" which looks as if it might be heading towards Weymouth Bay/Portland Harbour. The information on where this vessel sailed from is not available. More on this vessel here.

This is the British Fishing Boat "Finsup" on its way back to Portland Marina. More on this vessel here and here.

This is the British Shellfish Charter Boat WH23 "Drifter" on its way south down Portland's east coast. It is a More on this vessel here and here.