12 Feb 25

Lodmoor RSPB Reserve

After my five hour visit to Dorchester Hospital today, it was a relief to find out, that I didn't need to be admitted. However I do have to go back for a cardiopulmonary endoscopy in a week or so time, as it appears my new heart valve has a leak. In other words one of the sutras came away before the new valve could become an integral part of my heart.

I was also informed that my lungs aren't working 100% efficiently and that I have to breath more deeply and not shallow ones. The danger being that my lungs will fill up with fluid and the possibility of getting pneumonia.

So on the way back home I dropped into RSP Lodmoor to get some very cold air into my lungs, plus see if I could add any more bird species to my 2025 year list. Well I'm glad to say I did, with a Great White Egret flying over the reedbeds and dropping into one of the many ditches on the reserve, plus two Spoonbills which apparently arrived here a week or so back.

Other highlights were the pair of Avocets, which I first saw here on 16 Jan this year, plus 400+ Golden Plovers.

Birds Recorded:
1 Great White Egret
3 Little Egret
5 Grey Heron
2 Spoonbill
Mute Swan
6 Wigeon
Water Rail
2 Avocet
400+ Golden Plover
200+ Lapwing
Black-headed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
Pied Wagtail
1 Cetti's Warbler
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow

One of the three Little Egrets I noted on the reserve this afternoon. This.........

...........individual was feeding in one of the creeks. There was also a Great White Egret, which I was unable to photograph, flying over the reedbeds.

Whilst this Grey Heron was contemplating what to do about its muddy legs, this.............

.........one was keeping its legs clean by looking for a snack in the shallows.

These two Spoonbills were.........

..............busy preening

Two pairs of Wigeon feeding on the reserve.

A pair of Teal 

A drake Shoveler and.............

.............his mate.

This pair of Avocets have been at Lodmoor RSPB Reserve for quite a few weeks now.

Just a few of the hundreds of Golden Plover here this Winter

Also here in good numbers were Lapwing.

One of the many Snipe on the reserve.

Three Herring Gulls of different ages surround an adult Great Black-backed Gull.

And a very friendly, but disappointed Robin along the Beachdown Way, because I left the bird seed in the car.