17 Jan 25

Ferrybridge Sandflats and Portland Harbour

It was back to Ferrybridge this morning, to see if I could pick up some new bird species, and I wasn't disappointed as I ticked off Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Skylark and Meadow Pipit.

Other birds of interest were:
Great Northern Divers:          1 in the Fleet and 2 in the harbour
Black-necked Grebes:            8 in the harbour
Dunlin:                                   A good 150+ on the sandflats
Mediterranean Gulls:            200+ on the sandflats
Dunnock:                               1 by the visitors centre which I wasn't expecting to see at this location
Carrion Crow:                        1 eating a Limpet at Ferrybridge
Greenfinch:                            1 by the visitors centre.

Birds Recorded:
3 Great Northern Diver
8 Black-necked Grebe
41+ Dark-bellied Brent Goose
1 Buzzard
1 Kestrel
3 Ringed Plover
150+ Dunlin
10+ Turnstone
Black-headed Gull
200+ Mediterranean Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
14 Skylark
2 Meadow Pipit
2 Pied Wagtail
1 Dunnock
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
1 Greenfinch

A Great Northern Diver in..............

......................The Fleet at Ferrybridge

And here it has just caught a Shore Crab

Here it is again in slow-motion

A Common Buzzard on one of the lampposts along Portland Beach Road.

An Oystercatcher and three Mediterranean Gulls

Ringed Plovers

Just a few of the 150+ Dunlin here at Ferrybridge. On the water are several Mediterranean Gulls.


A large majority of these gulls are Mediterranean Gulls with a few Black-headed Gulls in amongst them.

Three of the 14 Skylarks in the rough grass by the car park

And another one.

Water and a Pipit. Must be a Water Pipit!!. Sadly not, its just a Meadow Pipit and my first one this year. More on pipits here.

Pied Wagtails

A Carrion Crow at Ferrybridge devouring a Limpet

And my final photo is of a Greenfinch.

16 Jan 25

Out and About

Today, Andy, my good friend and neighbour, took me for a drive around a few of  Weymouth and Portland Birding Sites, to see what bird species we could add to our respective bird species list for 2025.

First stop was Lodmoor, followed by Camp Road, Ferrybridge and then Portland Harbour. Well we recorded 62 species between 9:30am - 2:00pm, with 12 new species for myself including a first for my Port & Wey Bird Species List, in the shape of an Egyptian Goose, in fact there were two at Lodmoor, bringing my year total to 80.

Other birds of interest were at least 2 Cirl Buntings in the field to the left of Camp Road. Two Avocets at Lodmoor and 10 Black-necked Grebes in Portland Harbour

Mammals Recorded:

Birds Recorded.
New species for year in red with location seen:

2 Great Northern Diver
1 Great Crested Grebe - Ferrybridge
10 Black-necked Grebe - Portland Harbour
Little Egret
Grey Heron
Mute Swan
Dark-bellied Brent Goose
Canada Goose
2 Egyptian Goose - Lodmoor RSPB Reserve
Wigeon - Lodmoor RSPB Reserve
Tufted Duck
Red-breasted Merganser - Portland Harbour
Buzzard - Portland Beach Road
Marsh Harrier - Lodmoor RSPB Reserve
Water Rail
2 Avocet - Lodmoor RSPB Reserve
Golden Plover
1 Curlew - Ferrybridge
Black-headed Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
Wood Pigeon
2 Kingfisher - Lodmoor RSPB Reserve
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Pied Wagtail
Song Thrush
Cetti's Warbler
Bearded Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Rook - Camp Road
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
2 Cirl Bunting - Camp Road
Reed Bunting

Escapees, Ferals, Possibles Etc.
Feral pigeon

A Great Crested Grebe at Ferrybridge.

A Little Egret at Lodmoor.

And another Little Egret. This time at Ferrybridge.

A Grey Heron soaking up the sun at Lodmoor.

And at Lodmoor my first Egyptian Geese for my Portland and Weymouth species list, which now stands at 234 since 30 May 17.

A pair of Wigeon at Lodmoor

Two drake Teal having 40 winks.

And another drake Teal sat on the water. There was no sign of the Green-winged Teal here at Lodmoor today.

A pair of Red-breasted Mergansers in Portland Harbour.

A very distant shot of a Marsh Harrier at Lodmoor

One of the 2 Avocets at Lodmoor.

And here is the second one with its head under water.

Golden Plover at Lodmoor

More Golden Plovers with a few Lapwing.

Lapwing and a Starling at Lodmoor

More Lapwing

And even more

Right last ones.

One of many Snipe at Lodmoor.

And on one of the exposed mud flats was this Curlew and a few Mediterranean Gulls

A record shot of one of the two Kingfishers at Lodmoor today.

So close, but this Robin decided not to land on my hand.

With the sun out, there were quite a few Chiffchaffs about at Lodmoor.

A Wren at Lodmoor

A very vocal Rook at Camp Road.

A female Bullfinch at Lodmoor.

In this field to the left of Camp Road here was this.........

...............Cirl Bunting which was joined.......

.............by this second bird.

Apparently there have been up to 5 Cirl Buntings in this field.

Reference Cirl Buntings
We were approached by the farmer, who asked us politely not to stand on the embankments as he had just planted Hawthorns to stop the soil erosion, which in turn has been undermining his fence posts. We duly obliged

15 Jan 25

RSPB Radipole Lake

Whilst Ted was at the groom room, I had a walk around Radipole; my first trip here this year. Plenty to see and quite a few firsts for the year. In fact I recorded 37 Species with 10 firsts for the year, bringing my 2025 total to 68 species.

Birds Recorded:
1 Little Egret
Mute Swan
Tufted Duck
Water Rail
Black-headed Gull
Herring Gull
1 Great Black-backed Gull
1 Common Gull
Wood Pigeon
2 Cetti's Warbler
5 Chiffchaff
1 Goldcrest
10+ Bearded Tit
Long-tailed Tit
1 Coal Tit
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
House Sparrow
2 Bullfinch
2 Reed Bunting

My first..............

.............Little Egret of the year.

A flotilla of Tufted Duck

And another first for the year was this Common Gull in front of the visitors centre

One of the many..............

...............friendly Robins on the reserve.

And a grab shot of my first Goldcrest of the year.

Things aren't as they seem. This Long-tailed Tit was sat on a branch just a few feet from me. Not.......

...........something they would do naturally. And judging by its closed eyes this is I believe a sick bird!!

Two male Bullfinches along the Buddleia Loop. Apparently there was also a female close by.

And a male Reed Bunting, with a female close by.

14 Jan 25


After yesterday's adventure to the cove and back, my legs were really feeling it today. So it was a day off to recover.

A Little Owl in the PBO Quarry.

A Robin in the conservatory.

A Little Egret at Portland Castle Beach.

Ted having a good run.

Stormy seas at Church Ope Cove.

A Black Redstart at Church Ope Cove

A Short-eared Owl in the Top Fields.